About Us

Do you want your store visitors become your promoters ?

  • If Yes, then this is the app for you.

How this app works ?

  • As everybody knows, WA is widely used social application now a days to share & chat. Once customer visits your store on mobile browser, s/he will have a WA share widget to share current web page / link with his WA contacts.

Overall your store gets promoted among visitors WA contacts & store will get more visits.

Now Updated with well designed Reports

Store visitors can share and promote your store with WA share feature, Various widget options available to set as per your preference

Your customers can use this feature to share / promote your Store, Products, Collections & Articles instantly on their mobile.

Added WA Chat option

  • Let your store visitor be able to chat with you and increase conversion ratio.

Direct WA to Customer & recover abandoned cart

  • Send direct WA message to customer with Abandoned Cart link and / or special offer to complete purchase. & Increase conversion ratio.

✓ Easy to install

✓ Easy to use for customer

✓ Easy to generate WA Share button

✓ Easy to Turn on/off WA Share sticky bar at bottom of every page.

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